Welcome to The Southport School

The Southport School is an independent day school that provides a transformative educational experience to cerebrodiverse children with language-based learning differences, like dyslexia and attention issues. We recognize individual strengths, promote independent thinking, develop self-esteem and self-advocacy, and support a successful transition for continued academic achievement.

The Southport School provides a 4:1 student-to-teacher ratio and a supportive environment where students take bold steps championed by an expert faculty trained in research and evidence-based approaches to learning.

Our campus, located in the heart of Southport, CT, serves 124 students from neighboring Connecticut and New York communities.

Students discover their potential

Our students are smart, creative, joyful, compassionate, resilient, and they are BRAVE! With a language-based learning difference or attention difficulties, school can be hard. Knowing that they can develop the tools to succeed in and out of the classroom reignites our students' love of learning.

Since our founding 40 years ago, The Southport School has unlocked the potential of more than 3,500 students. Our students become independent learners for life.